Bounce Back, Get in Touch with Yourself and Discover your Passion
Unleash your Potential and Achieve your Goals
Tailor-made Courses that Address the Issues that Concern you
Self-Discovery Course:
The Self Discovery Course is a series of one to one sessions to help you recover from past disappointments, loss and trauma. At some point during your sessions you will discover your passion and start planning the future you dream of. Your individualized course addresses the issues that concern you. During the process you will discover the roots of your difficulties and release the negative beliefs and emotions stored there.
Deconstruction is a powerful method because it corresponds with the unique way you have stored past memories and allows you to select with pinpoint accuracy the ones that are negatively impacting you in the present. Using this method there is no need to blanket your whole life looking for countless negative occurrences; you only deal with the key moments from which the rest of your troubles emanates.

Prior to embarking on your exciting self-discovery you are invited to complete the following steps in a one to one setting. (All interviews and sessions are completely confidential).
Introductory Session
Life Chances Interview
Personal Orientation Inventory (POI) will show you a graph of key areas and help you recognize the attributes that are helping you to live optimally and the areas that may be holding you back. The POI was designed to study and measure the attributes of people on their journey to achieve their potential. It can be completed online. If you are interested in how you see yourself and would like to have a personalized graph and explanation then please use the link below to email me.
Personal Development Course: (Help your Team to Achieve your Dream)
CEO’s frequently struggle to create a team with leadership skills and with the confidence to make decisions and further your company’s goals. Consequently the role of the CEO gets tangled up in day to day management issues and time and energy, erode with very little forward progress.
Fear of responsibility, lack of confidence and lack of motivation often prevail in the team. Key members may be beset with personal issues, making it difficult for them to really focus at work and often needing time off to deal with family, stress or health problems. The overall impact of this for your company is negative.
How can you help your team succeed?

Why not offer them the opportunity to enroll on a Personal Development Course. In less than 20 hours of one to one intensive sessions, dealing with the key obstacles, it is possible for them to emerge with renewed energy and vitality ready to start again. Along with developing motivation and self-confidence the Personal Development Course relieves the stresses, upsets, confusions and past problems that have accumulated over the years. Working from a present time perspective an individual can untangle and straighten out their past. By locating and dealing with the most crucial events that have shaped their current life it will help them immeasurably in facing the future with certainty and confidence.
The Personal Development Course will free your employees of these unwanted negative memories allowing them to focus on the leadership and performance challenges of the present. Imagine that!
- To get started: Arrange for your selected employees to have a free consultation
Wellness Week Holiday:
An opportunity to visit Dubai for Wellness

Holidays are usually planned well in advance and we countdown to departure with growing anticipation of the joy and relaxation promised.
As we head into spring we may be struggling to find a holiday solution to meet our needs. Dubai offers a world of magical options especially this time of year. The weather is perfect for beach days, sightseeing, diving, off road driving, camping and a host of other exciting fun things to do.
Dubai also offers restoration holidays for the weary soul. While it is often easier to choose outlets for fun physical activities, it is also exciting to improve our mental wellbeing, manage stress, regain inner happiness, and discover our passion and love of life.
Here at the Just Be Centre it is possible to combine a week long Self-Discovery Course of one to one sessions with Yoga and Pilates fitness classes. You can also include some beach time, sightseeing and other outdoor activities while staying in beautiful 5 star accommodation.
The benefits of choosing a Wellness Week Holiday are many, including a boost to your immune system by reducing stress and negativity; gaining inner clarity and happiness, increasing physical fitness and making a fresh start for the year ahead.
Packages available to include your Self-Discovery Course, Yoga and Pilates classes and accommodation.
» Discover your passion
» Gain peace of mind
» Inner clarity
» Freedom from worry and anxiety
» Recover from past disappointments and losses
» Increase physical fitness
» Build the future you are dreaming of

Book your Exciting Wellness Week Holiday Now!
Contact us now for more details
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