Counselling can help with Stress, Anxiety and Panic Attacks
If you are silently struggling to cope with stress, anxiety and feelings of panic it can make dealing with the everyday ups and downs of life very difficult. Fear of reaching out for help can mean that you battle on; living an unhappy life, feeling alone and isolated. If the situation continues it can lead to a loss of motivation and feelings of depression. Counselling sessions offer immediate relief from the anxiety and stress and help you to regain an understanding of the causes. This understanding makes it possible for you to find positive ways of managing your life moving forward with optimism. In less than 10 sessions you can start to feel like your old self and feel motivated to create the future you desire. Our emotional mind associates memories but does not analyze them. Have you ever felt that you can understand a situation intellectually but feel unable to deal with it emotionally? People often say “I know it sounds silly but I can’t stop myself crying or feeling panicked when I hear a particular noise or see an image. In an Instant, we are overcome by negative feelings which prevents us from being able to analyze the information logically.

Counselling can help you recover from painful experiences which may be affecting you negatively in the present. We have all experienced certain times in our lives that have been rough and we might still be suffering from them. Negative memories stored in the mind never really go away of their own accord. The can disappear temporarily but can easily be triggered again by unexpected events or encounters. Sometimes just a few words, or a particular smell or taste can bring it all back again. You have probably had this experience of being upset all over again, which happens many times to most of us. If you are suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) or have experienced loss or feel very anxious and stressed, or experiencing panic attacks, counselling sessions can help you recover from, and deal with these painful experiences.
Housed in our emotional memory are episodes of loss, painful experiences of rejection and hurt, both physical and emotional. Locating and releasing the painful emotion embedded in these past memories frees us from the pain and returns to us the energy stored in them.
Released from painful memories and incidents from the past, you are free to live again and respond to life in the present moment.